SGI considers the province’s Report Impaired Drivers program a success.
It has been 10 years since the RID program began.
Minister responsible for SGI, Joe Hargrave says attitudes are changing in Saskatchewan and more people are deciding not to drive while impaired, but there are still some who make that poor decision to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The Report Impaired Drivers program is one way to help police catch those who haven’t gotten the message yet.
In the past 10 years, calls from the public reporting impaired drivers have resulted in almost 3-thousand Criminal Code charges, 581 roadside suspensions and 17-hundred-50 other charges.
Lou and Linda Van de Vorst lost their son, daughter-in-law and 2 grandchildren from a drunk driving incident in 2016.
Catherine McKay had a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit when she failed to stop at a stop sign at Wanuskewin Road and Highway 11, killing the family of 4.
Lou Van de Vorst is encouraged with these efforts, but wants to see drunk driving accidents get closer to zero.
He says no one can understand until they experience it themselves.
He believes the fines and impoundments are helping discourage people from drinking and driving, however he’d like to see a zero tolerance policy in the province.
(ct/ckrm )