The Saskatoon Board of Education has passed a budget that pegs expenses at 6.6 million dollars more than the year before. For the 2020-21 budget year the expenses are estimated at $278.3 million. The public school board says provincial government funding increased 3.7 per cent but says that does not allow the school division to address projected enrolment growth nor inflation for increased operating costs so they will have to draw $2 million operating reserves. Drawing from reserves will allow them to address the estimated $4.2 million funding shortfall.
Board Chair Colleen MacPherson says the division’s “growing demands are far outpacing provincial funding.”
There are several staff additions which the Board says addresses increased enrolment and includes multiple FTE, or full time equivalent positions. These are all FTE: 29 teachers, 40 educational assistants, 2 caretaking staff positions, 1 secretary, 1 electronics technician and 1 cafeteria worker.
There are also reductions built into the budget to accommodate the shortfall but no layoffs will results instead all impacted staff are reassigned.