Cary Tarasoff is running for mayor in the civic election on November 9th.
Tarasoff is an architectural technologist, with 30 years of construction experience, a community planner and a former military officer.
One of Tarasoff’s priorities is ensuring that Saskatoon doesn’t fall further into debt especially during the pandemic. He wants to limit expenditures until there is a brighter day ahead, and then plan for more regimented projects that he says will benefit people more than the super grand projects.
Tarasoff states he wants to help businesses retain every job they can can during the pandemic, suggesting it’s much easier to retain jobs than to create them. He would like to see taxes and utilities streamlined so people know exactly what they are paying. Tarasoff would like to focus on small businesses, saying big business tends to get bigger benefits while small businesses drive the economy. He says there is currently too much regulation that hinders business in Saskatoon and creates obstacles for good development.
Tarasoff says he would make an effort to find a way to limit councillors and the mayor to only two terms in office. He says new fresh ideas come from new people.