Charlie Clark made his final campaign announcement Friday before the civic election on Monday.
Clark says these are uncertain times, in the midst of a pandemic, heading into a potential record breaking snowstorm, an important election for the city and waiting to find out what is going to happen in the US election. Clark adds that despite the turbulence he is inspired by the strength of the community and believes the question at the ballot box is about leadership.
Clark says the question is which person can best lead Saskatoon through covid and towards a strong future. Clark believes residents are looking for a leader who is honest and uses facts to build a realistic and financially responsible plan, one that will continue to provide services while valuing every tax dollar. He says he strives everyday to be that kind of leader.
Clark states he’s ready to get back to governing, and wants to start working right away to flatten the curve. He says now is not the time for a transition, and the city needs someone who can quickly take up the reins and get back to work.