In the most recent update from the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency, at mid-morning Sunday, they are reporting seven active wildfires in the province with only one not contained. The McCafe fire at last word was burning less than 20 kilometres from Stanley Mission and Rapid River Dam. The fire was estimated at 2,000 hectares and in addition to fire crews, heavy equipment, helicopters and air tanker support were being used to fight the wildfire.
As of mid-morning Environment Canada has downsized the area affected by an air quality statement. The area impacted by poor air quality and reduced visibility due to a plume of smoke burning from a forest fire northeast of La Ronge now includes Candle Lake, Narrow Hills and Lac La Ronge Provincial parks as well as the community of La Ronge, Montreal Lake, Molanosa, Prince Albert National Park and HIghway 165 between highways 2 and 914 including Pinehouse Lake.
Environment Canada says that area residents may experience symptoms such as increased coughing, throat irritation, headaches or shortness of breath. Children, seniors, and those with cardiovascular or lung disease, such as asthma, are especially at risk.