Megan Gallagher was last seen on September 19th of 2020 and her loved ones still don’t know what happened to her. Her family and friends attend court every time one of the four charged with indignity to human remains is scheduled. Her father, Brian Gallagher, adds that only one of the four is still in custody.
Gallagher says they have been 35 court proceedings in the last three-and-a-half months. There are people who know what happened to Megan but nobody is saying anything, and Gallagher says, the silence is killing them. The four accused are John Sanderson, Jessica Sutherland, also known as Jessica Badger, Ernest Whitehead and Roderick Sutherland.
Brian Gallagher and his wife Deb say they understand they are not the only ones dealing with missing loved ones. Megan’s father points to the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, which states that they are twelve times more likely to go missing. To bring awareness to the issue and to advocate for their daughter, the second annual Megan’s Walk is coming up on Sunday. It begins at 9:30 at Joe Gallagher Field at the Gordie Howe Sports Complex.
Megan Gallagher