Starting next week Saskatchewan residents will be asked to hand in their unwanted guns as part of the 2023 Firearm Amnesty Program.
Organized by the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police, the program’s goal is to lower the risk of violent offences involving firearms by safely collecting and disposing of unwanted firearms that may, otherwise fall into the hands of criminals through break & enters or accidental loss. An example of an unwanted firearm would be a firearm inherited as part of an estate, but no longer wanted by the surviving relative. The Amnesty also extends to replica or imitation firearms, and any unwanted ammunition or parts of firearms.
Between March 20th and April 9th, 2023, residents of Saskatchewan are encouraged to contact their municipal police service, nearest RCMP detachment, or conservation office to arrange to surrender of their unwanted firearms, replica firearms and/or ammunition. By pre-arrangement, police officers or conservation officers will pick up unwanted firearms from the homes of residents who wish to surrender them because it is illegal to transport them.
Surrendered firearms will be checked by police to determine if they are involved in any ongoing investigations. Firearms will then be destroyed. In 2022, 241 firearms were surrendered during the amnesty program.