As of Sunday, Saskatoon Transit has some routing and service adjustments.
Routes in Avalon/Lawson Heights, University/Centre Mall, Briarwood, Rosewood, City Centre, Evergreen, Willowgrove, Arbor Creek are affected.
Route 6 will be split into two routes.
Route 16 Eastview University goes from Market Mall to USask and then downtown while Route 6 Wilson Crescent/City Centre goes from Market Mall to Easview, Wilson, Crescent, Broadway Avenue and then downtown.
The City of Saskatoon says the adjustments are to improve the transit experience.
Overview of what’s changing:
Route 13 Avalon / Lawson Heights: The temporary detour in the Nutana neighborhood will become permanent, improving efficiency and schedule adherence. Look out for new bus stops along Clarence Ave.
Route 81/82 University / Centre Mall Route 84 Briarwood / Centre Mall Route 86 Rosewood / Centre Mall: There will be slight routing changes and stop adjustments to accommodate traffic calming devices and the proposed bike network. Look for new stop locations.
Route 43 City Centre / Evergreen Route 44 City Centre / Willowgrove Route 45City Centre / Arbor Creek Route 46 City Centre / 115th Street: Schedule adjustments throughout the day will ensure better schedule adherence.
Route 6 Market Mall via Preston / Broadway (name changes): To offer more clarity and eliminate confusion, Route 6 will be split into two distinct routes: Route 16 Eastview / University: Market Mall to University, then to Downtown. Route 6 Wilson Crescent / City Center: Market Mall to Eastview, Wilson Crescent, Broadway Ave, then to Downtown.
Make sure to download the Transit app to help with trip planning or visit for new maps and schedules.
Questions or concerns regarding these adjustments can be directed to Customer Service 306.975.3100 or