The NSBA has furnished the City of Saskatoon with seven recommendations as City Council gets ready to crunch numbers at an upcoming Special Budget meeting.
The NSBA is suggesting the City Reduce staffing levels in specific departments; Implement a more stringent efficiency and productivity agenda; Anticipate reduced revenues due to inflation and changes in spending patterns; Discontinue programs that higher levels of government should fund; Postpone capital and operational expenses for green initiatives; Pause all major capital projects; Liquidate Greenhouses on 33rd Street and Avenue P.
NSBA Executive Director Keith Moen says there is no single silver bullet solutions and that is why they have provided several recommendations because the organization believes a number of difficult decisions must be made to bridge the funding gap.
Which departments should see a reduction in staff, according to the NSBA include Environmental Sustainability, Human Resources, and Labour Relations, Communications and Planning and Development.
As well they NSBA wants to see major capital projects like the new Library, BRT, and the Downtown Event and Entertainment District, be put on hold until finances are in order.
The Association also urges City Hall to liquidate the greenhouses on 33rd Street and Avenue P and sell the land immediately for infill development to offset the budget shortfall.
The City of Saskatoon announced Wednesday that with increased revenue-sharing expectations from the province and other adjustments, the prior released funding gaps of $52.4 million and $23.2 million are now $50.9 million and $21.7 million for 2024 and 2025.