While the assessment of Saskatoon’s economy following the Shania Twain concert unveiled several positive outcomes, the CEO of Discovery Saskatoon says it also sounded alarm bells for the future of the city’s entertainment sector.
An economic analysis completed by Discover Saskatoon, SaskTel Centre, and Downtown Saskatoon has been revealed, and Steph Clovechok says the results further prove why the proposed event centre must be located downtown.
Clovechok says the concert generated $10.6 million in gross economic activity, and 60.5 per cent of all economic impacts came from spending by out-of-town concert goers. She says generating that kind of new money is extremely positive for Saskatoon’s economy.
However, she says placing the event centre downtown would provide thousands of event-goers easy access to goods and services, bolster the core of the city, keep Saskatoon on the map, and involve more businesses in positive economic impacts.
Clovechok says although the SaskTel Centre is doing an exceptional job hosting these artists and events, the density of Saskatoon’s downtown core is taking a hit. She also states that unless the city’s event centres are upgraded, it will be overlooked by events, artists, and even potential residents.