The 2023-2024 Pig Spleen Forecast is in!
Wade from Shellbrook delivered the forecast Thursday morning with the Moo Crew:
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See the full forecast below:
2023/2024 Accu Weather Pig Spleen Forecast:
As the month of November carries on, it will be average to above average temperatures. With little precipitation for the start and will gradually get colder and stay colder by the end of the month with a little amount of snow.
December starts off cold for the first week with a good amount of snow expected. The middle of the month will be average temperatures with more snow. Closer to the end of the month the temperature will turn COLD, with below average temperatures.
The start of the new year will be cold and gradually start to warm up to average temperatures. There will be a significant amount of snow throughout the month tapering off towards the end of the month with the temperature above normal heading into February.
Is going to be mild for the most part, and temperatures will be average to above average throughout the month with little snow in the forecast.
Closer to the end of the month we will see the temperature drop and it will get colder.
As we start the month with colder than average temperatures it will gradually warm up closer to the middle of the month and we will see a significant amount of snowfall. It will get colder towards the end of the month with below normal temperatures. Hopefully we don’t see the -30s like we did last year!
Going into the month of April it will start to warm up to average temperatures for a couple of weeks, then it will turn cold for a short time with some snow. The last couple weeks we will see it warm up considerably feeling like the spring temperatures that we are all waiting for. Finally, an early spring again! We should end April off on a good note with May having warm temps and no cold at all!!!!!