With the provincial budget to be released Wednesday, the Saskatchewan NDP and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) took aim at the record of Premier Scott Moe and the SaskParty Government on Monday.
The NDP released new figures comparing the financial records of past provincial premiers. In two graphics provided by the NDP it says Premier Moe has nearly doubled Saskatchewan’s debt in just six years, with more expected to be tacked on with this week’s budget. The SFL, meanwhile, released three priority items for the province’s workforce – fixed wait times, the end of education chaos and raising wages. SFL President Lori Johb said in a news release that recent events and evidence drives home that Scott Moe and the SaskParty are not focused on what matters to working people.
The record debt was brought up in Question Period. Official Opposition leader Carla Beck stated that when Brad Wall stepped down, the province was $17.6 billion in debt and now, that debt has almost doubled, at $31 billion. She says that’s more debt than under former Conservative Premier Grant Devine who almost bankrupt the province.
Premier Moe responded with a list of economic successes. The include capital investments being second in the country, up 25 per cent and projected to raise another 14 per cent in the next fiscal year, and exports to India at $20 billion, with a global total of $50 billion in exports. He added that the measure that provinces and the federal government use is net debt to GDP, and this province is the second lowest in the nation.