I was reading some recent data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute that said 57% of Canadians want to live to be 90 or older and 26% say they want to live to be 100. That’s interesting. I’d be OK with reaching 100 depending on circumstances such as are both my mind and body in reasonable working condition? What’s my family situation? What are my living conditions? My dad made it to 99 but things went downhill for him soon after mom died plus he had a fall in which he bumped his head, then he moved into Veterans Memorial Lodge in Victoria at age 98 which was a very nice multi-level care facility, but he went from living independently in a good-size condo, as well as still driving, to having a room in a care home. I thought he’d make it to 100 but I could tell by talking with him that he’d lost the will to live no matter how much I tried to convince him. By the way, that same Angus Reid recent date showed older Canadians feel younger than their age but the overall population feels older than it did a decade ago. Back then 38% said they felt younger than their age physically but today that’s declined to 31%. And more say they feel their age or even older now than then. Mentally, ten years ago a little more than half of Canadians said they felt younger than their mental age but now it’s a little less than half. As for me, from the neck up I feel a lot younger than my age mentally. However, from the neck down my body tells me that physically oh no I’m not. Is that a conundrum?
By Jason Pankewich
Nov 22, 2024 | 8:00 AM
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