This one is a bit out there, pun intended. There are many movies and tv shows dealing with outer space and extra-terrestrial life. Our solar system is in the Milky Way Galaxy which is estimated to contain anywhere between 100 billion and 400 billion stars and a NASA study estimates there are at least 300 million potentially habitable planets in the Milky Way. As for galaxies, an estimate of the total number extrapolated from observations by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope suggests there are about two trillion galaxies in the cosmos. We’ve been sending out signals for decades and scanning the skies with no response, acknowledging the various tv series on the subject of extra-terrestrial visitations, so where are they and why don’t they make themselves known to us? The likelihood of there being other intelligent life out there is pretty high and there are different opinions as to why they stay silent. Maybe they’re afraid to send signals for fear of being discovered by a warlike civilization like in our alien invasion movies. Maybe life is so far apart we can’t communicate. The closest galaxy comparable to our own in size is the Andromeda Galaxy which is over 2 million light years away so travelling at the speed of light it would take over 2 million years to get there unless there are such things as wormholes. I looked those up, but physics wasn’t my best subject, so I’ll just have to keep on believing life probably exists on other planets but……and I’ll end with but.
our solar system
By Jason Pankewich
Jan 20, 2025 | 8:00 AM
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