The inspection to see if the University Bridge is safe after an encampment fire Sunday night which melted a sanitary sewer main is early Wednesday morning. The City of Saskatoon says until the bridge is deemed safe for traffic, it will remain closed, however, when it opens, there will still be restrictions until the sewer line can be permanently repaired.
Right now, the line has been bypassed and instead is connected to a line near the downtown side of the bridge. Brendan Lemke, Director of Water and Waste Operations says, “Until the repair is complete, a temporary bypass line will remain on a section of the east end of the bridge deck and on the north walkway.” At this point, there is no timeline for the permanent repair.
With wastewater spilling onto the riverbank and into the river, the City has been working with the Ministry of Environment and crews have been on scene today (Tues) clearing up frozen wastewater that spilled out Sunday and Monday.
The walkway on the north side of the University Bridge is closed, but the south walkway is open. Meewasin Trail underneath the east side of the bridge and the walkway under the far west end of the bridge are closed, but the trail is open on the west side of the bridge.