To celebrate the arrival of the American White Pelicans back at the Weir, the Meewasin Valley Authority are launching their annual Pelican Watch Contest once again.
Meewasin’s Community Events Coordinator, Katie Walls, says between now and March 31st, everyone is encouraged to enter their guesses on Meewasin’s website.
In the 28-year history of the Pelican Watch, “The earliest (arrival) was April 2nd at around supper time, and the latest was April 21st in the morning just before lunch. So, anytime between 2nd and April 21st, we can expect to see the pelicans.”
Although the pelicans are most commonly spotted by the Weir, that isn’t where they live. They actually fly about 80 kilometres each day from the Redberry Lake Biosphere to fish.
“It’s actually pretty cool how far they travel just to hang out by our weir,” Walls admits.
At one point, these pelicans were considered an endangered species, but they are now listed as threatened as they remain vulnerable to habitat degradation.
According to the All About Birds website, these pelicans grow to have a wingspan of eight to nine-and-a-half feet.
Make your guess here.