The Saskatchewan government announced Friday that another community wellness bus has launched. This time in Prince Albert. It will offer primary care as well as mental health and addictions help. The buses are staffed and run by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. There has been a similar wellness bus operating in Regina since February 12th.
Saskatoon launched its community wellness bus in 2021 in partnership with the Saskatoon Tribal Council serving seven of its member First Nations. The Saskatoon bus is staffed with two paramedics, a dentist and dental assistant as well as a mental health therapist and has a fully functioning dental office, heated outdoor paramedic tent and office meeting space. The Saskatoon project’s $2.5 million five-year operating budget was made possible by a fundraising campaign led by Synergy 8 Community Builders out of Saskatoon and included SaskTel as well as other sponsors.