The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan (FCAA) is warning investors of the online entities known as Amitell Capital PTE LTD, Royal Stone Group and Alpin Horizons.
The FCAA continues to stress the importance of checking the registration status of anyone offering investment opportunities at aretheyregistered.ca.
Amitell Capital PTE LTD, Royal Stone Group and Alpin Horizons claim to offer Saskatchewan residents trading opportunities, including forex and cryptocurrencies. Amitell additionally claims to offer stocks, commodities, and indices, while Royal Stone Group claims to offer precious metals and commodities and Alpin Horizons claims to offer contracts for difference (CFDs).
In Saskatchewan, individuals or companies need to be registered with the FCAA to trade or sell securities or derivatives.
This alert applies to the online entities using the websites “amitellcapltd com”, “royal-stonegroup com”, and “alpinhorizons com”.
Amitell Capital PTE LTD, Royal Stone Group and Alpin Horizons are not registered with the FCAA to trade or sell securities or derivatives in Saskatchewan. The FCAA cautions investors and consumers not to send money to companies that are not registered in Saskatchewan, as they may not be legitimate businesses.
FCAA says if you have invested with Amitell Capital PTE LTD, Royal Stone Group, Alpin Horizons, or anyone claiming to be acting on their behalf, contact the FCAA’s Securities Division at 306-787-5936.