Saskatchewan feeder cattle prices are up from the previous week in the five reporting weight classes for both steers and heifers.
The province’s report for the week ending March 21st indicates that the average 500-600 pound feeder steer sold for $518.06 per hundredweight, no change from the week prior. The price for the average 600-700 pounder rose $11.99 to $456.62 per hundredweight. In the 700-800 pound category, the average steer sold for $12.99 more, with a total of $409.19 per hundredweight. For 800-900 pound steers, the price rose nearly $20.00 at $19.50 to $373.66 per hundredweight. Lastly, the average 900+ pound steer sold for $347.83 per hundredweight, no change from the week prior.
When it comes to feeder heifers, double digit increases in every weight class except for 600-700 pound animals, which saw a $4.57 increase from the week prior, making the average animal cost $407.88 per hundredweight. For 400-500 pound heifers, they were sold for an average of $11.40 more than the week prior, leveling out to roughly $489.69 per hundredweight. Heifers of 500-600 pounds were sold for an average of $463.13 per hundredweight, up $17.38 from the week before, and 700-800 pound animals sold for $383.05 per hundredweight, up $14.55. Lastly, the price rose about $11.58 for 800-900 pound feeder heifers to $346.50 per hundredweight.
The prices for both D2 and D3 slaughter cows are up from the previous week ending March 14th. The price of D2 slaughter cows was up by $7.46 to average $203.96 per hundredweight. the price of D3 slaughter cows increased by $5.17 to average $187.92 per hundredweight