The Greater Saskatoon Catholic School (GSCS) division is confirming that the Saskatchewan Health Authority has informed them of a positive COVID-19 case in an individual at Holy Cross High School.
This is the second positive case at Holy Cross since school began on September 8. The school division says they are working with Public Health to inform parents and caregivers, and the SHA is conducting contact tracing. The SHA has not declared an outbreak and risk of exposure for anyone not considered a close contact remains low. Classes will continue as scheduled.
To protect the privacy of individuals, the GSCS are not able to share or discuss details.
The GSCS says plans to help mitigate the spread contain many important measures, processes and protocols. Students and families are reminded to be diligent in performing the daily health screening, stay home if you are ill, call HealthLine 811 if you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, practice proper hand hygiene, maintain physical distancing as much as possible, wear a mask when appropriate, and do all we can to keep each other safe.