The CFIB says regulation costs Canadian businesses $39-billion annually, and $11-billion of that is considered unnecessary red tape. In Saskatchewan, federal, provincial and municipal regulations costs businesses over $1.-billion, and about $310-million of that is considered red tape.
Prairie spokesperson for the CFIB, Marilyn Braun-Pollon, says the regulatory costs from the pandemic aren’t included in these numbers, but 83 per cent of small businesses say that COVID-19 has substantially increased compliance costs. She defines red tape as all of the unnecessary or complicted forms that have to filled out. This is the CFIB’s 12th annual Red Tape Awareness Week.
The CFIB suggests governments can reduce red tape by simplifying existing regulations using plain language and improving government customer service.
Braun-Pollon gives kudos to municipal governments which quickly approved patios to help businesses expand their customer space during the pandemic.
She says, as we look towards recovery, reducing red tape is a win-win because it’s a low cost way for government to stimulate the economy while protecting just the needed regulations.