I don’t know if you heard about a guy in a wig – attempting to look like a woman – a senior citizen actually, apparently throwing a piece of cake at the Mona Lisa as a protest to climate change. He is actually 36 years old and went to the Louvre Museum in a wheelchair as part of his disguise and shouted at people to think of planet Earth. He was also seen throwing roses at other guests in the museum. Now the Mona Lisa wasn’t damaged because it is encased in glass, ironically, I suspect in a climate controlled environment. This gentleman may have mental health issues in which case I’m glad he came armed with nothing more harmful than roses and cake. On the other hand he could just be an ardent believer and for whatever reason which makes no sense to most of us, thought this was a good way to get the word out. I personally prefer a local project that kicked off on the weekend and just want to give a pat on the back/thumbs up/ way-to-go to the Saskatchewan environmental society which came to an agreement with the public school board to depave a corner of an unused tennis court at Walter Murray collegiate. The depaving took place on the weekend and now a garden will be put in featuring fruit trees, bushes, things like strawberries, prairie wildflowers as well as annual vegetables.
Local efforts to rejuvenate the environment beats throwing cake any day
By Vanese M. Ferguson
May 30, 2022 | 7:28 AM
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