The Saskatchewan NDP claims that the province’s new Marshals Service has been poaching officers away from frontline policing.
Nicole Sarauer explains that the Chief Marshal admitted to ‘poaching’ officers from existing police forces, specifically rural detachments, to fill their allotment of officers.
“He admitted there are other officers interested in coming over and listed a variety of places, but did admit that some of those are from inside Saskatchewan, which is what I’ve been hearing all along from officers in the province and folks that work in policing.”
Sarauer says it’s believed at least $14 million has been spent on planning for the Service to date. She says that money should instead be spent to hire more frontline RCMP officers in rural regions.
“Front line, boots on the ground is what Saskatchewan citizens want to see, and if we’re just shuffling a group of police officers from one type of policing body to another policing body in Saskatchewan, it doesn’t actually address the concerns about crime that people have in this province.”
Sauer adds that the Marshals Service has been opposed by leaders from 89 Saskatchewan communities who are concerned about the lack of oversight, integration with existing police and the unknown price tag.