2025 federal election
While I was on vacation spring arrived in the northern hemisphere. Let's see now, what else of interest happened while I was gone? Oh yeah, Prime Minister Carney had the Governor General dissolve parliament so we can have a federal election on my birthday, April 28. Turn on the tv news and what do we get? Trump ta...
Mar 26, 2025
To snow grade, or not. What's the best plan in spring?
This is Vanese Ferguson with Coffee Talk. So, the City was going to do snow, I thought removal, in my neighbourhood on Friday - which was just snow moving. They took a bunch of the ruts and the ice on the road and were trying to get rid of it. They must have received a complaint. Because now the windrow on our road ...
Mar 24, 2025
Signs of spring
This is Vanese Ferguson with Coffee Talk. Spring officially arrived yesterday. In addition to the melting of all that snow we accumulated this winter, another sign of spring seems to be the speed people are driving. At least it appears that way, I guess because the main roads are generally in good shape without a bu...
Mar 21, 2025
It's time to reform pension plans for those elected and appointed
I'm Vanese Ferguson with Coffee Talk. In the early 2000s a handful of Reform MPs chose to opt out of what they considered a gold-plated pension plan. That included Lee Morrison who was an MP elected in southwest Saskatchewan. The thinking in the day was that the demands on the public purse was unreasonable. For inst...
Mar 19, 2025
What you can learn from your elders
This is Vanese Ferguson with Coffee Talk. I think it is incredibly important for children to spend time with older adults. Not in the Grandma-has-a-present-for-you-on-your-birthday kind of way but rather sit in the room, listen to the conversation, speak with those around you, learn how to engage and be respectful. I ...
Mar 17, 2025
Canada's way forward far from clear
This is Vanese Ferguson with Coffee Talk. I'm not suggesting support for or against a political party, but I do think Mark Carney will be more of the same when it comes to the Liberals. Carney was Justin Trudeau's advisor during COVID-19 and on the carbon tax. If Canadians who want a change in government can expect ...
Mar 14, 2025
Screen time
Distracted walking. Digital Deadwalkers. (Could be the theme of a modern zombie movie) I talked about this eight years ago. Pedestrians who trip over curbs, bump into people, or step into traffic. Wexting, walking while texting, although it also could be checking emails, news or sports feeds, or social media. N...
Mar 12, 2025
Nutrition Month
I was reminded that March is Nutrition Month and Dietitians of Canada have come up with a theme, "Nourish to Flourish" which I find not only catchy but appropriate, especially when it comes to children and the important direct impact nutrition has on the health, well-being and success of children. We now ha...
Mar 10, 2025
"good old days"
Here's a term I hadn't bumped into until recently, "Rosy retrospection". It's just what it implies, viewing the past in a favourable light. We put on our rose-coloured glasses when something triggers feelings of wistful affection for the past. Those somethings can be different strokes for different folks, ...
Mar 07, 2025
world's most unintentionally lopsided building
I happened to catch a story about a leaning Manhattan skyscraper in New York and I thought, "buildings aren't supposed to lean. Well, there is the world-famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy". The New York condo building is a whopping 670 feet tall. Construction began in 2015 and it's had its share of prob...
Mar 05, 2025
Radio is a medium, a means by which something is communicated, the plural of which is media, the means of mass communication including print, the internet, and broadcasting. Radio has been around for just over 100 years, amazing when you think about it, and is still an integral part of our everyday lives. In a way lo...
Mar 03, 2025
free trade
Canada's free trade agreements: there's the CFTA (Canadian Free Trade Agreement), CUSMA (Canada-United States-Mexico) CUFTA (Canada-Ukraine), the CPTPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), the CKFTA (Canada-Korea), CCFTA (Canada-Chile), CIFTA (Canada-Israel), CETA (Canada-European Union), CUKTCA (Canada-United Kingdom), plus ...
Feb 28, 2025
federal NHL
In light of Trump's unceasing talk about annexing Canada I hear a rumour that our federal government is considering taking over the National Hockey League and running it in the public interest to make sure no Canadian can be deprived of NHL hockey. To help protect the league from further Americanization the Commission...
Feb 26, 2025
old commercial
There's a TV commercial playing nowadays you may have seen as it pops up a lot. It features a young boy asking his dad questions that to him are still some of life's little mysteries such as where does the sun go at night and where do babies come from. It reminds me of a talk I did 20 years ago pondering questions a...
Feb 24, 2025
colder weather
I know we all get accused of talking about one subject more often than anything else and that's the weather. That being said, what's with this weather? I have three weather apps on my smartphone (don't ask me why because I couldn't give you an intelligent answer). I don't normally bother with checking all three one...
Feb 21, 2025